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2013-01-01 - 11:32 p.m.

We all go through changes everyday.At times those changes feel so small they're almost insignificant.We hardly feel them that we almost - or even mostly - take them for granted.Still,those changes exist.

Other times,changes are so big that they affect our lives...sometimes dramatically.They alter our decisions and our attitude toward everything.They're unavoidable.Some even call them 'major transformations'.Good or bad?You decide.

Are we still stuck in the past that we somehow refuse to move on?Are we in the present that we barely care about what we leave behind and what lies ahead?

Or are we too eager for tomorrow that we can't even enjoy today?

A lot that one can do with the past.Some choose to stay there,refusing to accept any changes whatsoever.It's their comfort zone they fear to step out of.Some people call it stagnation,others call it loyalty/devotion.Again,it depends on how one sees it.

Some other choose to leave it all behind,not looking back even once.Is it that bad?Are there too many scary ghosts and evil beings lurking behind their backs,chasing after their every pace they pick up?

There are also those who do constructive things with the past.They look back to reflect,not to dwell.They cherish all the good and remember the bad as part of their learning process and experience.They choose to bring along what they consider important and still relevant to them, and leave the rest behind.After all,it's much more sensible that way.Even if they still leave any 'unfinished business' behind,either by accident or else,there's always God to remind them.That's for sure.

There are people who choose to live just in the present.According to them,life is too short to dwell on the past and worry about the future.All is good until two possibilities occur:the ghosts of the past start chasing after them,or they're left with nothing to get by tomorrow.Or both at once.What do they do,then?Can they still have fun?

There are those who acknowledge the past as a learning experience,the present as a learning process,and the future as another chance of learning something new or repairing the damage in the past.Do they still have fun?They embrace the joy of learning and achieving.That's part of living.

Which ones are we?Which ones will we be?Will we remain the same,or start crossing another path?

May we come up with what's best for us.Embrace 2013!





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