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2012-04-13 - 8:36 a.m.

I think this will be my last entry for now, before I'm flying to Singapore tomorrow morning.

"Whoa, wait!" some of you perhaps will exclaim in surprise.:P "Singapore?"


Alright, I'm sure you're wondering how come.*big evil grin* I know this is completely out of the blue, although I've already planned it okay. (Not exactly perfect, not even well - just plain 'okay'.:P)

Again, it started after T's breakup with M.:| He's coping reasonably now and still in the process of moving on.(May it be fast for him, God.:| Amen.) Githa said M was already with some other guy.(Ouch.)

The problem: they both have already had tickets to fly to Singapore and back before the breakup. At first, M said he didn't feel like going. (Of course, going with your ex that soon after a huge row and a breakup would be super awkward, no matter how civil and decent you try to be towards each other...or could be, for that matter.)

Since Githa had already gone to Singapore with T, he offered M's ticket to me. They both even urged me, saying that I need a real holiday - at least for once in a while. All I had to do was pay for the name change.

In short, I quickly had my passport made. I thought to myself: why not?*shrugs* I ain't got nothing to lose (except my money, of course, but we're bound to lose a lot of it in the end.*sneers*) I'm still single and free.:D Why can't I just live a little, like the real Ms.Independent I'd like to be? Besides, my love life sucks as hell that I don't even want to start thinking about it anymore. Life is way too short to be taken way too seriously.

Like I've said before, being good/playing nice all the time is (considered) boring. You're not that interesting.*sneers* You get to be ignored a lot. You're not taken seriously.

Worst of all, people tend to take you for granted a lot, just because they think that you'll always be around. Ha! What a joke.*rolls eyes* Want to know what happened to me the last time I played the same old cards? I didn't get much. I didn't get noticed at all.

I got left behind...

Anyway, when M heard about T's plan, he suddenly wanted the ticket back. At first, I thought it was okay. They could still go together as friends if they both wished to do so.

Dead wrong.:| How naive I am.

Githa told me the two guys had another stupid row, and T was dreading the whole trip. They're staying at a friend's house there - and the friend is 'on a neutral ground'.

That's when the crazy idea came up.

"Would you like me to catch up with you there?" I offered T one night when we had dinner together after work. I could tell that he was almost in tears after telling me about his last row with M. He did that quite a lot recently.:( I hated seeing him like that.

"You don't have to," he said. "But if you could, I'd really appreciate it."

Well, here I am now - at last. This is it. I have made up my mind. There's no turning back...:)




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