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2012-02-02 - 4:16 p.m.

There are two things I've been looking forward to in the near future:

1.Evanescence's concert:

Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen!:D Amy Lee and the boys are coming to my hometown to perform on February 25 in PRJ - Kemayoran, North Jakarta. I'm going there with my brother and his friends after work.

My brother said he was going to buy our tickets this Friday, so I gave him my money last night.

I don't know if M's going to go either. I remember that he attended Linkin Park's concert and Anggun's last year. I figured he loved concerts too.

I'd like to ask him about this one too, but I'm not pretty sure. I mean, M and I aren't that close. We've only met once that Thursday night at Shisha Cafe before T's departure to Aussie for holiday. I know that - technically - T and M are still an item.

Speaking of them, this leads to another thing I'm looking forward to in the near future:

2.T's return to Jakarta:

He's already put a notice on his FB wall. He's flying back here on February 9.:D YAY!

Out of the blue, we chatted online last night. Not much to say, but I got the impression that he's been dying to tell me something more important - but he asked me to wait until he was really here. Okay.*shrugs*

As usual, I only asked him to take it easy, take all the time he needed, and try not to get stressed-out. He thanked me for that.:)

Githa also called me last night. I know that things haven't gone that well between her and T lately. I hope the two of them can patch things up when T gets back. I mean, they've already known each other longer before I even entered the picture. It shouldn't be that hard to bring them back together like before, should it?

Where do we all go from here? What's next?

We'll see...

The Author/QB



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