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2011-12-26 - 7:15 p.m.

I've only got a week of holiday. That's alright. I can still make a good use of it. Everyone needs a break, right? Even if it means just staying home, cleaning up around the house, and doing your hobbies - that still counts.

We're not going to Ancol, North Jakarta to spend our New Year's Eve. No problem. Since work starts again on January 2, I don't feel like going anyway. There are other - equally fun - things that I still can do.

For example, I've planned to have a karaoke time with Gigi and friends. (We had to postpone this last Saturday, because she had a family thing.) It's been a long time since we last did that.:D I'm also missing them so much, so it'll feel like a reunion.

Hmm, what else?

Leese invited me to be a jury again for her boarding school's annual English competition on March 7 - 8. I've been invited and taken part as a jury before. If I do this again next year, it'll be my third (or was it already fourth??) time.

If?? This time, it's different. I work at a different place now. Leese's school is in Parung, a small town that borders Bogor and South Tangerang.

I'll have to ask for permission to skip work and go there on those two dates when I get back to work. But I guess they'll let me go.:) And I really want to, because I believe in maintaining professional connections. Besides, I don't just want to do one thing and rely my life solely on it. I want to do other things too for as long as I can. I also love the students at that boarding school.:) Smart boys who are also creative and well-motivated. Bright young minds always inspire me.

That's settled then.;) I've made up my mind about that.

I ended up spending a day with my brother today.:D We went to Gandaria City, had some lunch at Billie Chick's, and then went around for a while. I ended up buying the skirt of my dream...from M&S! It was on a really generous discount, which I didn't have to pay a lot for.:O

And the skirt is still in a perfect condition.:D Lucky me.

The Author/QB



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