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2011-11-14 - 8:51 p.m.

Hey, love.
It has been a while
since I saw your genuine smile.

I don't know if you feel
what I have been wondering lately.
Is there still a 'we',
or now a distant 'you and me'?

Where are we standing now?
I am feeling lost somehow,
bumping against your invisible walls.

If it is no longer here,
let's just be crystal-clear.
Say it to my face.
Is it already over?
Can't we make it any better?
Just say it to my face.
For too long we have been staring
at each other in cold distaste.
Is this time to be on our separate ways?

Just say it to my face.
If this is our final goodbye,
then I will stop wondering why.
Each of us can reach the exit door,
so none of us will have to take the pain anymore...

The Author/QB



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