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2011-02-16 - 9:02 p.m.

It's time to quit.
It's time to admit defeat.
All mortals make mistakes.
No one can escape rage.

It's time to acknowledge.
It's time that you gave up the old, impossible dreams.
Not everything gets along with reality.
Sometimes it's a bitter symphony.

It's time to accept
that something's got to give.
You'll break if you keep it.
It's time for you to be set free.

It's time to seek forgiveness and mercy
to God for all the sins.
May there be enough retributions
to heal all the wounds.

It's time to change.
It's time to kill the poison inside compassion.
Hold your head up high and walk forward
to embrace hope.

It's time to restore peace,
before death chases away the last chance's train.
Well, it's time!

(Jakarta, 15/2/2011)



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