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2007-11-16 - 9:46 p.m.

I had no idea that today would be more than just ordinary.:O
I went with Menti to deliver catering orders and food samples to our clients this morning. The second destination, I'd used the elevator to the eleventh floor. At first, everything was just normal. But when it was just me and this plump lady in a black cardigan left, something totally unexpected suddenly happened.
The elevator's double-doors just wouldn't open. No kidding.:| The elevator just passed my destination.
"Damn!" Plump Lady muttered. Since I was standing much closer to the buttons on the wall, she deliberately ordered me, "Hit the emergency!"
I'd panicked --- and ended up doing something really stupid.
I pushed the wrong button --- for shutting off the elevator.*blushes*
"No, not that!" yelled Plump Lady furiously. She then pushed me aside and turned the elevator back on. However, it was all too late. The elevator now was already jammed. Then, giving me a scowl, Plump Lady scolded me, "You shouldn't have done that."
Okay, my bad. I'm sorry.*rolls eyes* I said nothing, though, because I could already feel my panic starting to rise from within me. (Note: I'm claustrophobic.:|) I let her hit the emergency button and demand immediate help. The operator seemed to take it lightly, though, and I think he was lucky enough that he wouldn't have had to see me in person.:x He'd just simply told Plump Lady and me to remain calm and wait patiently.
Great.:| Perfect.
It took them about twenty minutes or so, before Plump Lady and I were finally rescued.:P My legs had been wobbly, so I sat down a couple of times with the food samples in my hand --- trying my best to calm my nerves.:( I'd felt weak and hated it. My fingers were cold and sweaty, and there was this sick, sinking feeling in my gut. But no, I wouldn't let myself vomit or even faint. It would've only made things worse if I had. Luckily, Plump Lady was calm enough to comfort me. She'd successfully distracted my thoughts by making me talk. She'd mentioned something about her being late for work and a not-so-understanding boss. She'd even told me about how she'd been stuck in an elevator before, but she'd been all alone and completely freaking out to the emergency phone.
"Thank God, at least I'm not alone this time. It scares me less."
Ha-ha. It's actually a good thing that she could still stay that positive, while I started imagining the worse. (Fire? The fall?? Oxygen deficiency??? Okay, just name them all.:|) I'd texted Menti to notify her about my situation. Plump Lady was also checking her cellphone, complaining about her kid who had somehow deleted important numbers from her list so she couldn't contact anybody from her office. But she was also still sane enough to be funny. We'd traded light jokes and giggled for a while. Then we fell quiet when the double-doors were being forcefully parted from outside. It didn't make me feel better to know that...we were actually still stuck in between floor 15 and 16.*gulps* It reminded me of "Speed" and "Final Destination 2".:O The doors only parted slightly, though, and I could see half of a guy's face peek in and hear him say, "Ladies, one moment and soon we'll get you out, okay?"
Hurry, please.:( Then the doors were closed again. Plump Lady asked me playfully, "Do you think it's going to be like in the movies, where they literally ask us to climb up the floor and out of this elevator?"
"Ha, no way!" I shook my head. "If the elevator suddenly works again while we're in the process of climbing up like that, we'll definitely be split in halves!"
Ewww!:-S Okay, I know that was a gross image.
"Damn, they should know that we could die from lack of air anytime here."
"Please, don't remind me that," I begged her weakly. Then, when the elevator started to hum softly and work again, we felt so relieved.:D Thank God! We were finally let out in the fourteenth floor. Phew!*huffs* Plump Lady suggested using another elevator,, thanks.:P I think one incident was enough for today. I'd rather take the stairs. Fine, you can call me silly or whatever.*rolls eyes* I don't care anyway.
When I apologized to the clients for the delay and the reason behind it, they were stunned. They said the building's manager had already been notified about the elevator, but no serious action was taken yet. One of the clients even told me that it had happened to her too --- twice already.
Man...:O*deep sigh*

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