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2015-10-02 - 1:55 p.m.

I don't run away like cowards;
I retreat.
Sometimes we all need a few steps back,
before the cut gets too deep.

How are you, my sweet?
After last night's storm, everything gets too quiet,
even I can barely hear my own heartbeat,
swallowed by this inner riot.

The Ex-Guardian of The Isolated Castle watches in silence,
trying her hardest not to stir any of us.
Sorry I also brought tears in her eyes,
but she's one of the very few I trust.

So where do we go from here?
I guess the same old ghosts have always poisoned our surroundings with fear,
that it's time to battle them within.
Let's see if I can still get back to you once I win.


(Jakarta, 30/9/2015 - 9:00 pm)



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