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2019-04-16 - 7:52 p.m.

You probably wonder about this sometimes. You see some people loaded with money and stuff. They buy a lot of fancy stuff and manage to look impressive. They do want to impress others, while some just want to feel good about themselves that way. (Others want to do both altogether.)
Well, as long as you can really afford it, then that’s cool. That’s your personal choice and responsibility.
Meanwhile, there are others who choose differently regarding money. To spend or invest? You decide. The most obvious are those who buy experiences over material things. (If you think charity, there are indeed some who flaunt how much they donate – while others choose to keep it a secret. You know, for religious reasons or just an act of being humble.)
What experiences? Now, don’t get funny ideas. (Well, even if you do, please keep them to yourself. I’m just going through the basic stuff here.)
Travelling is one way to gain new experiences. Others prefer attending concerts or plays, watching movies, volunteering at some events, or participating in competitions or art performances. Close by, out of town, or abroad – you name them.
Of course, most of them require money. Well, even if the event is free of charge, if it takes some serious travel, you have to pay for the transport. (Unless someone is nice enough to drive you there and back for free, that is.)

Are They Always Rich?
Honestly, I don’t know everything. (Who does, really?) However, this stereotype often occurs – thanks to envious people who have nothing better to do but compare their (miserable?) lives with those of others.
A friend once came up to me and told me of her unpleasant experiences. She enjoys travelling and has been to many countries. She posts a lot of travelling pictures – and notes – on social media. To me, she could practically write her own travelbook if she wished to.
You know you can’t expect everyone in the world to have a positive attitude towards everything they see on social media. So I wasn’t surprised when she talked about how some people assumed that she’d always had the money and the time to do all of that.
“They think I’m filthy rich,” she complained. “They think I’m showing off. They have no idea what it took me just to get there, all that I had to sacrifice for.”
I did, because she told me and I’d seen the proof myself. She never bought expensive coffee when we hung out at popular coffee shops in this city. Other stuff include being smart with your choices and opportunities around you. Promotional tickets, budget maintenance, name them all.
Sometimes, you can get some lavish freebies from competitions. Another time, it’s a generous soul – whether a friend or a family member – who believes that you deserve to be pampered once in a while.
The rest is still your own effort...and of course, God’s will. This is why I don’t get some people with their insecurity. What’s with the envy? An innocent storyteller is often mistaken for a humble-brag these days.
So what? Why does she need to explain herself? Does she even owe them that? No. It’s her life. She can do whatever she wants. Besides, they don’t have to pay for her travel tickets and stuff. Who are they to make such a fuss?
It’s the same thing with those who are actually loaded with cash and other fortunes. However, some of them choose to live a simpler life. It’s more about what they need than what they want.
There are also those who seem to crave for the lifestyle they can’t really afford. It’s actually not cool, because they pretend to be someone they’re not. It’s even worse if they cause others some serious troubles.

“Don’t You Want Those Things Too?”
I remember another girl I used to know asked me such questions:
“Don’t you want those things too? You have the money. You should buy some. Invest on something for your looks. That’s called ‘taking care of yourself’.”
Thank you. I get it that to some women, makeup is their thing. I don’t blame nor judge. That’s simply a personal preference.
To some people, experiences and (hopefully) good memories are much more valuable than just material things. It’s good if we can get both, like those celebrities travelling ‘with style’.
If not, you’re not going to die. You just (choose to) live differently.




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