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2013-10-07 - 7:40 p.m.

You know he�ll do anything for you.
To hell and back he�ll go through.
But time and time again,
you keep on being such a pain.

Why...oh, why?
Why do you have to make him want to cry?
You think that you�ve already owned him.
All I see is reality-turning-grim.

You know he still wants you as his wife,
because you�re the love of his life.
Stop hurting him so much,
or soon he�ll be out of your touch.

He loves you, but I can tell that his patience is wearing thin.
He�s not some kind of a puppet on a string.
It�s not about who must always win.
It�s all about compromise and mutual understanding.

Don�t take him for granted,
or you�ll end up feeling shattered.
Not everyone�s lucky in love,
so don�t let the push become the shove!


(25/9/2013 � 4:05 pm)



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