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2013-04-25 - 6:36 p.m.

One boring afternoon,
he came along just like a blue moon.
She'd thought it was just another ordinary day.
She never thought she'd end up feeling this way.

He was the face on the cover of the magazine.
That face was often on the TV screen.
He was the sweetest eye-candy she'd ever seen.
She felt like walking into a living dream.

So she enjoyed the moment while she still could.
The spark of his brilliance and enthusiasm in life had made her feel good.
Not all stories like this would forever last.
In her bleak reality,
these moments would soon pass.

After their talk, they went their separate ways.
She returned to her ordinary days.
She understood she wouldn't stand a chance with him.
He was the celebrity, so who was she kidding?

This is not some romantic comedy.
She's not the leading lady.
For now, there's hardly any space for love in her sad story.
First things first, before she'll be free.

For now, she'll stick to her priorities.
She's got no time for nonsense, so please let her be.
At least she's got to enjoy his sweet, warm smile -
even if it was for a little while...


(For R.A.)



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