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2013-01-24 - 1:55 a.m.

Not much I did for the rest of last week.

I only had one class on Monday, then I helped Ma and my brother with the catering business from Tuesday to Wednesday.

After that, we picked my sister up from work and then took her to her OB-GYN.

On Thursday, the biggest flood of the year struck Jakarta. Although my house was safe, thankfully, Pesanggrahan River had overflowed that both access routes to the central city where I work were clogged by heavy traffic and...of course, flood. I couldn't get out. Even if I had, they'd said, how fast would I have been able to make it back home after work?

Good question. That's why I had to cancel going to work that day and alert everybody at work. Then I spent the rest of the day and night writing. And talking to my best friend/big brother T on Skype.

And mostly, watching the local news about the flood.(-__-')...

On Friday, I had no teaching schedule. I didn't have to go there on Saturday as well, because they decided to close it due to another flood scare. I stayed home again and wrote some more while listening to my favourite rock tracks on the radio. And watching the news...again.

Sunday? The same.

Monday morning at 2:04 am, my niece Gira Nayantaranishka Hardiyanto was born. She weighed about 3.2 kilos and around 48 cm long. Cute? Of course.

The only thing that I worry about these days are the kids' parents. Their father's the biggest, narcissistic jerk I've ever met in my whole life and my sister is the brat who always thinks she's more mature than me. (Yeah, right.*rolls eyes*)

But then again, what else is new?*sneers*




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