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2010-1-27 - 9:00 a.m.



Growing up overweight has affected my perspective on life, especially love and social acceptance. Since childhood, I�ve had my share of bullies and adults who assumed I was just being sensitive.

I�ve been constantly battling my own demons within. Overeating disorder is only one. My teenage years were okay, despite the fact that I was never part of the popular crowd. It didn�t help that my taller, slimmer sister was the other way around. One male teacher once asked me why we were �different�. After that, I refused to enroll at the same high school and college as she did, for I feared of being compared to her all over again.

College liberated me. I started rediscovering myself by knowing what I�d like to do for the rest of my life. For me, writing isn�t just a hobby, but also a therapy. However, soon reality hit me in the form of money. That is why I am doing my real job the best way I can while supporting my writing career. Besides, every job is an interesting adventure worth writing for.

So far, my confident still often takes a wild, rollercoaster ride. I also tend to get a bit protective of my bullied students.

If people wonder about who I really am, I am still the sensitive, rebellious tomboy at heart. I am a mixture of a creative dreamer, an idealist, and a realist. I am also a loyal best friend to those in need and who truly deserve it.



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