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2009-10-02 - 7:05 a.m.

If I write something for the advice column, it'll probably go like this:

Dear All,
Lately, I've been worrying about my best friend. She's been dating this guy for about two months. Somehow, I sense something wrong with him. At first, he seemed nice, which obviously made her happy.
Then later, she started complaining about his extreme jealousy towards the other guy she's just friends with. Somehow, his paranoia has made him add all the 'suspicious' guys on her facebook's friends' list, even when it's obvious they're not flirting with her online. Not only that, he's also been rather unhappy with her busy working schedule lately. He wants her to spend more time with him. He insists on going out every weekend with her, even when it's obvious that she's tired and in need of rest and space. He even shows up at work waiting for her unannounced, which makes him even scarier.
Once she had enough of his jealousy and tried to break up with him. He ended up getting drunk last fasting month and practically begging her to come back, swearing that he'd change. She gave in. But then, later the girls and I heard that he had a past abusive relationship with his ex until the girl had to call the police and file an A&B charge against him. He'd agreed to sign a restraining order to escape prison.
For the first time in my life, I am scared of my friend's boyfriend. The other girls tried to convince her to re-think clearly about this relationship, but she got so sensitive and defensive over him. However, we notice that she's changed. When I show up with her to meet him and he notices me, I catch a glimpse of resentment in his eyes, as if he dislikes me hanging out with her. She hangs out with friends and seems worried that he might find out. When he finds out, he always calls her and she ends up having to talk to him on the phone, bailing her relaxing time with friends. It seems that she doesn't want to upset him by not answering his phone.
I hope this is just my silly hunch, but is this a dangerous sign for my best friend's safety? What to do with this worry? I just don't want her to get hurt.

The Author



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