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2009-06-08 - 7:41 p.m.

I finally got a chance to talk to him yesterday. To be honest, it was long, grueling, and very painful. But I knew that - once again - I had to go through something like that, or else I'd never really live in peace and move on.
The good thing is, at least they'd finally told me. And I'd like it to be fair. I know that I've been way too busy to notice things lately. At least they knew - and have fairly accepted - the fact that I feel disappointed with them. Especially him. I mean, he had one year to tell me something this critically important. Their feelings for each other is their right I know. I just hate the late notice.
He said he was sorry.:( He said he knew that he should've told me sooner - which was last year, supposedly. He said (and she'd said the same thing too) that they didn't mean to hurt me. (I know, but actually they do.) Although they both still want to stay friends with me, they can understand if I'm angry with both of them and want them to stay away for good.
It's like, they've already prepared themselves for the worst of possibilities from me. Sounds unfair to you, in my case?*deep sigh* Maybe it is. But then again, who says life is always about sunshine and rainbow? Just like Rocky Balboa said, don't forget the punches and how to get up after that.

"Next time, good or bad, you two must deliver me the news right off - especially when it comes to something critical like this one."
"Promise me one thing, though."
"If you plan to steal her heart, BE NICE to it. BE NICE to her."
"Alright, my friend. I'm trying my best."
"Good. Because I've made her promise the same thing about you."
"Oh...thank you.:)"
"And if you're not really sure about her, DON'T keep her waiting."
"I will. Thank you very much."

I did the right thing, didn't I? Just like the noble lady I always have to be. Besides, I guess he was right about one thing: we just didn't belong in the first place. And we wouldn't make it. As sucky as it is, I must face it. This isn't the first time I take such bad news.
I've read her poems on Facebook - and I know that she's falling for him too. She's been trying to tell me this for months. It is for real, I think, more than she'd like to reveal to him. And if two people share the same feelings for each other, then who the hell am I to ever get in their way? What kind of a human being would I be?
Now what? Where do we all go from here?
It is as simple as this:
When he gets here again, I'll simply let them have their space. I'll still welcome them if they ever want to visit me, like a decent friend normally is.
Not a happy ending for me again, eh?:P Well, at least I'm still alive and breathing. Let's see what I can write more after this. Soon.

The Author



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