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2006-03-31 - 7:05 p.m.

I just finished another sad, short story last night.:| I can't say much about it, because --- to be honest --- I'm only pretty good at thinking of sad stuff for stories, and it was partly based on my own experiences. Still, I hope it's good enough for the magazine. I need to earn more money.
Speaking of money, I hate it when people start reminding me of my...loneliness.:( Heck, I don't need to be reminded of that all over again, people. Just leave me alone.*rolls eyes* My God. They're implicitly accusing me of being an anti-social, just because I barely hang out with my 'real' friends here anymore. They're looking at my pretty, popular sister and wondering why I'm still single. What a joke. They think I don't need anybody. They even believe I want nobody around.:P
The truth : this is the big city. This is the chaotic city of rats and hypocrites. If I want to socialize with people, I'll have to have enough money. These days, mostly it's all about that. I mean, I can't just hang out with my old friends in a cafe and stare enviously at their orders without buying anything for me.:( I'll be ashamed. Some people will even believe I'm no longer fun without money. I might be an outcast of this society.
Hell, I already am.*rolls eyes* Why bother?
That's what Dad will never understand, I'm afraid. That's why I just work and work without decent holidays, so my brother can still go to college. So I can still do this as a temporary escapade from my own harsh reality. Just work and write.
Will I ever get away from all this?:(

The Author



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