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2019-04-27 - 10:38 a.m.

I remember someone I once knew back then. She’d once had some issues in one of her workplaces. When she was finally let go, she blabbed about that online. Some had sympathised with her, some others had thought about how differently she should’ve reacted regarding that.

I also remember someone else I know. The same thing happened to her too. Despite the unfair treatment she had to endure, she decided to keep quiet about it the best way she could. Even when she blabbed about it on social media, she’d chosen a more indirect approach. Short articles, fiction work, poems – you name them.

Some people who know her best can totally read between the lines.

We all make our own choices. Some accept the consequences, while others make excuses – or justifications. Either way, they’re just the same.

Some feel the need to share their stories regarding their life transitions. They can be about career changes, marriages, moving to a new place, and even changing their past habits. Of course, they expect those transitions to lead them to something better. No wonder, many would like to share these stories.

However, what if the transition were tainted by something negative, like unjust treatment, scandal, or betrayal? Surely, you couldn’t wait to go through it.

Still, does this mean you need to always share it with the world? How much would it benefit you and other people too?

I’m not going to answer that for you. Like one of my best friends often says: “Each to their own.”

Some prefer having quiet transitions in life. The world does not always need to know. It’s one’s personal business. Besides, you can’t expect the whole world to always understand you. Why expect too much?

Keep walking. March on, don’t look back. You’re the one who needs these changes in your life. You’re the one who decides which changes, which transitions, are good for you. Not them or anybody else.




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