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2019-04-23 - 9:30 a.m.

The world is becoming more of a noisy place. Chatter, chatter, chatter. Everyone’s got something to say, even when not all of them are talkers. How does that work? Try to notice some subtle, not-so-obvious cues. Those are the signs not many can really tell.

Their micro-expressions, body language, gestures. The things they don’t say, but their actions and attitude show. You have to be sensitive enough to notice.

Don’t Be Fooled

Many still believe that silence means submission and agreement. This is why they tend to get overly confident. They think they have won the argument. That’s why they tend to talk, talk, talk all the time. Even if they give others a chance to talk like they say they do, they don’t really mean it.

They never really listen. Even if they do, they won’t understand.

Are you this type of person? You may not realise that you are. You just wonder why some other people seem to avoid you these days. Even if you know you are, it’s highly unlikely for you to admit it. You always have to be right about everything and everybody. You just have to be dominant or else you’ll feel insecure.

That’s okay, I’m not going to push you. I don’t see the point anyway.

Here’s the problem with many talkers:

The more they talk, the louder they become...the more weaknesses they reveal. The more mistakes they (tend to) make.

Don’t be fooled. Just because they mostly keep quiet, that doesn’t mean they’re weak and scared. It doesn’t mean they’re always submissive. Bullies always have loudest voice but sadly lack reason besides what benefits them more.

There’s a reason why they choose to let you do all the talking. No, it’s not always out of respect or fear, not when you keep treating them badly.

You’ve been quietly observed. They’re silently waiting for you to make more mistakes, revealing your weaknesses. You barely realise that as you talk down on them. You start saying things you’re not supposed to. Your secrets are out.


They remember. They keep those in mind. They take notes oh-so-silently, of course without you knowing. This is what we all know as ‘passive aggressive’.

One day, they’ll use them against you. Whether they choose to throw them back at your face or walk away, that’s up to them. You’ll never really know until it finally happens. Even if you do, you won’t be that prepared to accept it.

Your emotional pattern has been well-read. They know that there’s no point in trying to talk things through with you. They’ve tried before. You never listened. To you, all they ever have are excuses.

It doesn’t matter anymore, because the final decision has already been made. It’s done.

It’s best that everyone just move on.




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