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2012-08-26 - 12:09 a.m.

The Great King, struggling to survive,
speaks to me through his tired eyes.
I know illness hasn't killed his will to stay alive.
I still have faith that he shall strive.

The Mighty Queen, trying to maintain her sanity,
has never really forgotten to support me.
For the first time in our entire lives here,
we are working side by side to wash away these doubts and fears.

The Sweet Prince;
hopefully he will soon take a stand and be a man;
wear The King's crown and claim his throne.
Never let them fall into the wrong pair of hands,
or all might be gone.

The First Princess,
still believing she is at her best,
sadly remains oblivious to the real world's actual test.
With the love of her life
less than a gentleman
and little princes in need of her protection;
will she even last?

"Don't worry.
You have your own destiny,"
so The Queen keeps telling me.
I am silently holding on to The Almighty,
while waiting for my time to flee...




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