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2012-07-18 - 11:46 a.m.

Tell the world you've been hurt by two people you claimed to have loved.

Tell the world you've been fooled by his good looks and my innocence.

Tell the world you've been taken advantage of, as if all you've done had never been (considered) good enough.

Tell the world of his selfishness, of my silence you've completely interpreted as pure betrayal and ignorance.

Tell the world how you've always been the victim and we're the villains.

Tell the world how we've never really been your best friends.

You didn't show the world the whole picture, so how would they know which side of truth was really pure?

How did we get to be here today?
What did you want me to say?
He was wrong and you were right?
That I had to start hating him with all my might?

We're no longer in junior high school.
What you did and said was worse than cruel.
I'd chosen to step back,
and you should've respected that.

You could've addressed this matter differently by acting more like an elegant lady.
Too bad, you chose to be such a drama queen by acting downright mean.

Go ahead, keep spreading the word.
I'll just stay quiet.
I love you both with all my heart,
but I guess I must accept the fact
not all friendships last.
This had to end so fast!

(Jakarta, 14/7/2012)



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