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2008-11-25 - 9:33 p.m.

I've received three new, empty notebooks. One's from my sister, one I bought for charity, and another's from Menti.:) Personally, I've read this as a sign:

I must start writing again. Not just the tiring lesson plans, the workshop paper, or even...this.:P You know what I'm talking about. Poetry, fiction...

Oh, yeah. Speaking of that, I still have my delayed teenlit from a couple of years back or so.:P I know that I've been abandoning it way too long.:( But this time, I'm seriously concerned that I might not be able to have it published here in my own country without any hassles - eventhough I'd label it 'Adult Fiction' or 'Teenlit'. Why? It's The Stupid Bill (UU APP), of course. What if they want to outlaw and arrest me for writing - even the most innocent, yet still affectionate (*big evil grin*) - kissing scene in it? Won't that be too ridiculous?:P Or, what if most local publishers choose to play it safe by the (stupid, STUPID!) rule, they want me to either change or even omit that scene - for the sake of the 'better' moral values (*rolls eyes*) - or even worse, they refuse to take the risk publishing my work? Whatever happened to the (decent) freedom of creativity here? Where are the tolerance and pluralism here?
*sighs* I don't know. *shakes head* To be honest, I don't get it at all. This is just so freaking stupid. Is my country slowly but surely being controlled by hypocritical idiots? I don't know. Maybe.*shrugs* All I know is that this whole thing can possibly lead to pure madness - fearfully worse than the riots back in May 1998. Pathetic acts for a worthless cause, clearly illogical...
Well, if you ask me that a kissing scene is really necessary in my story, let me ask you this:

Which one has more terrible effect - a non-verbal affection or an open, political death-threat in the media?

By the way, that one's clearly rethorical.:P I'm not asking you to give me your answers.
Well, it's been already less than 40 days before our Dear, Beloved Mr.President SBY will come to his final decision about whether he'll sign the final legalization of The Stupid Bill (UU APP). Since we can no longer trust the sick, twisted brains inside The House of The 'So-Called' Representatives, I hope SBY has better conscience about what's really best and necessary for this already, overly troubled nation...:(

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